[HailoRT] Status 77 error happens!

Dear community members,

I need to implement multiple models on a Raspberry Pi-based system. Due to previous issues with the hailo_platform library, I am attempting to use the GStreamer library instead.

I have encountered a new error with status code 77.

Here is the pipeline string along with the error code. Please provide any comments or documents that could help.

Thank you for reading.

Jusung Kang

hailomuxer name=hmux v4l2src device=/dev/video0 name=src_0 ! video/x-raw, width=640, height=480, framerate=30/1 ! queue name=queue_scale max-size-buffers=3 max-size-bytes=0 max-size-time=0 ! videoscale n-threads=2 ! queue name=queue_src_convert max-size-buffers=3 max-size-bytes=0 max-size-time=0 ! videoconvert n-threads=3 name=src_convert qos=false ! video/x-raw, format=RGB, width=640, height=640, pixel-aspect-ratio=1/1 ! tee name=t ! queue name=bypass_queue max-size-buffers=20 max-size-bytes=0 max-size-time=0 ! hmux.sink_0 tee name=d !queue name=queue_hailonet_D max-size-buffers=3 max-size-bytes=0 max-size-time=0 ! videoconvert n-threads=1 ! hailonet hef-path=/home/jskang/hailo-rpi5-examples/basic_pipelines/../resources/yolov6n.hef batch-size=2 nms-score-threshold=0.3 nms-iou-threshold=0.45 output-format-type=HAILO_FORMAT_TYPE_FLOAT32 force-writable=true multi-process-service=true device-count=1 vdevice-key=1 ! queue name=queue_hailofilter_d max-size-buffers=3 max-size-bytes=0 max-size-time=0 ! hailofilter so-path=/home/jskang/hailo-rpi5-examples/basic_pipelines/../resources/libyolo_hailortpp_post.so qos=false ! tee name=s !queue name=queue_hailonet_S max-size-buffers=3 max-size-bytes=0 max-size-time=0 ! videoconvert n-threads=1 ! hailonet hef-path=/home/jskang/hailo-rpi5-examples/basic_pipelines/../resources/yolov5n_seg_h8l_mz.hef batch-size=2 force-writable=true multi-process-service=true device-count=1 vdevice-key=1 ! queue name=queue_hailofilter_s max-size-buffers=3 max-size-bytes=0 max-size-time=0 ! hailofilter function-name=yolov5seg so-path=/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/hailo/tappas//post-process/libyolov5seg_post.so qos=false ! tee name=p !queue name=queue_hailonet_P max-size-buffers=3 max-size-bytes=0 max-size-time=0 ! videoconvert n-threads=1 ! hailonet hef-path=/home/jskang/hailo-rpi5-examples/basic_pipelines/../resources/yolov5n_seg_h8l_mz.hef batch-size=2 force-writable=true multi-process-service=true device-count=1 vdevice-key=1 ! queue name=queue_hailofilter_p max-size-buffers=3 max-size-bytes=0 max-size-time=0 ! hailofilter function-name=yolov5seg so-path=/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/hailo/tappas//post-process/libyolov5seg_post.so qos=false ! queue name=queue_hmuc max-size-buffers=3 max-size-bytes=0 max-size-time=0 ! hmux.sink_1 hmux. ! queue name=queue_hailo_python max-size-buffers=3 max-size-bytes=0 max-size-time=0 ! queue name=queue_user_callback max-size-buffers=3 max-size-bytes=0 max-size-time=0 ! identity name=identity_callback ! queue name=queue_hailooverlay max-size-buffers=3 max-size-bytes=0 max-size-time=0 ! hailooverlay ! queue name=queue_videoconvert max-size-buffers=3 max-size-bytes=0 max-size-time=0 ! videoconvert n-threads=3 qos=false ! queue name=queue_hailo_display max-size-buffers=3 max-size-bytes=0 max-size-time=0 ! fpsdisplaysink video-sink=xvimagesink name=hailo_display sync=false text-overlay=False signal-fps-measurements=true [HailoRT] [error] CHECK_GRPC_STATUS failed with error code: 14. [HailoRT] [warning] Make sure HailoRT service is enabled and active! [HailoRT] [error] CHECK_SUCCESS failed with status=HAILO_RPC_FAILED(77) [HailoRT] [error] CHECK_SUCCESS failed with status=HAILO_RPC_FAILED(77) [HailoRT] [error] CHECK_SUCCESS failed with status=HAILO_RPC_FAILED(77) CHECK_EXPECTED_AS_STATUS failed with status=77 [HailoRT] [error] CHECK_GRPC_STATUS failed with error code: 14. [HailoRT] [warning] Make sure HailoRT service is enabled and active! [HailoRT] [error] CHECK_SUCCESS failed with status=HAILO_RPC_FAILED(77) [HailoRT] [error] CHECK_SUCCESS failed with status=HAILO_RPC_FAILED(77) [HailoRT] [error] CHECK_SUCCESS failed with status=HAILO_RPC_FAILED(77) CHECK_EXPECTED_AS_STATUS failed with status=77 [HailoRT] [error] CHECK_GRPC_STATUS failed with error code: 14. [HailoRT] [warning] Make sure HailoRT service is enabled and active! [HailoRT] [error] CHECK_SUCCESS failed with status=HAILO_RPC_FAILED(77) [HailoRT] [error] CHECK_SUCCESS failed with status=HAILO_RPC_FAILED(77) [HailoRT] [error] CHECK_SUCCESS failed with status=HAILO_RPC_FAILED(77) CHECK_EXPECTED_AS_STATUS failed with status=77

Have a look into the HailoRT User Guide. You can download it in the Developer Zone. Here are a few pointer from the guide:

To enable and start the service, run:

sudo systemctl enable ­­now hailort.service

If service is enabled but not active, run:

sudo systemctl start hailort.service

To see the service status and make sure it is active, run:

sudo systemctl status hailort.service


Thank you for your comments.

I think I have already activated the HailoRT, but I will retry it carefully.

After doing that, I will reply with the results again.

Thanks to your comments,

I found that the HailoRT services are unintentionally disconnected.

I restarted it manually and successfully passed the errors to the next step.

Some new issues have occurred, but they seem to be related to the pipeline structure.

I will handle it. Thank you for your help.

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