Getting Errror: This CPU does not support `avx` instructions, and they are needed to run Tensorflow.

I have install data compiler on linux 22.04, installation is completed but facing this below error. also tried installing tensorflow without avx, but it doesn’t helped me.

below is the error i am facing.

(myenv) developer@Ubuntu-nsl:~$ hailo -h

    This CPU does not support `avx` instructions, and they are needed to run Tensorflow.
    It is recommended to run the Dataflow Compiler on another host.
    Another option is to compile Tensorflow from sources without `avx` instructions.

Is this an x86 machine?

Welcome to the Hailo Community!

The AVX instructions are an SIMD extension to the x86 instruction set. Some of the smaller x86 CPUs like Atom and Celeron do not support them.

If you have as system like that I would recommend to use a different machine for the model conversion. You could still use such a system to run inference. The runtime requirements are a lot lower.

I am using x_86 architecture machine.

What is the processor in your machine? Intel or AMD? Atom, Celeron, Core i3, i5, … XEON?

You can get the information by running the following command in a terminal.


Architecture: x86_64
CPU op-mode(s): 32-bit, 64-bit
Address sizes: 39 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
Byte Order: Little Endian
CPU(s): 5
On-line CPU(s) list: 0-4
Vendor ID: GenuineIntel
Model name: Intel(R) Core™ i7-10850H CPU @ 2.70GHz
CPU family: 6

I have created Linux X86 machine on windows machine with above specification using virtual tool box

can you plz give me the minimum machine specification required to run this successfully. I will try work on it.

Your CPU seems fine. I suspect the issue come from the VirtualBox. The virtual machine has the AVX instruction set disabled. Google “virtualbox configure cpu avx support” and you will find a few links that seem to go into right direction.

Note, we do not validate our software on virtual machines. Some functions may not work as expected, especially when you want to run inference on the Hailo-8 module or use the GPU for some of the optimizations.

We do support/validate the Hailo Dataflow Compiler on WSL2.

I would recommend to dual boot your system and use the Hailo AI Software Suite docker on Ubuntu directly.

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Can i create a could VM of high-end specification to convert my model to HEC, as my onnx model is build on high resolution images?

Cloud VM I mean to say