while running the multistream_rtsp.sh file from the tappas module i am facing an error
Progress: (request) Sent PLAY request
WARNING: from element /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstRTSPSrc:source_0: Delayed linking failed.
Additional debug info:
./grammar.y(506): gst_parse_no_more_pads (): /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstRTSPSrc:source_0:
failed delayed linking some pad of GstRTSPSrc named source_0 to some pad of GstRtpH264Depay named rtph264depay0
while I am using the correct format of rtsprtsp://admin:admin_123@
I think there is a problem in encoding/decoding part of the stream.
my camera setup detaile are given below and I am using sub stream of camera.