I try to run “hailomz compile yolov11n --ckpt=best.onnx --hw-arch hailo8 --calib-path train/images --classes 1 --performance”
and raised an error :
raise AccelerasUnsupportedError(
hailo_model_optimization.acceleras.utils.acceleras_exceptions.AccelerasUnsupportedError: layer yolov11n/matmul2 does not support shift delta. To overcome this issue you should force larger range at the inputs of the layer using command quantization_param([layer_name], force_range_in=[range_min, range_max], force_range_index=index) current range of input 0 is [0.001, 0.007] and input 1 is [-2.867, 2.306].You should increase the multiplication of these ranges by a factor of 7.600, e.g. you can apply factor of sqrt(7.600) to both inputs:
quantization_param([yolov11n/matmul2], force_range_in=[0.003, 0.019], force_range_index=0)
quantization_param([yolov11n/matmul2], force_range_in=[-7.904, 6.357], force_range_index=1)
How to solve this problem?