All roads lead to ?

I am not an IT guy, or a programmer. I do like to tinker with new technology. I have a home LAN server, running from a Beelink SER8 (8845HS), on Ubuntu Server (which I am using the Hailo-8 on), and a RPI5, running HAOS. I bought the Hailo-8 to help run Frigate for my home cameras, and maybe give my Beelink a bump in performance with Ollama as well. I hadn’t made an account here, yet, so I ignorantly assumed that Hailo-8 was something I installed the firmware on, and then it ran like a graphics card or something. I have managed to install the firmware, and I have a docker container of the Suite running. Now, I am kind of lost from there. Reading through random threads, I have noticed that things need to get converted to .ref (can’t remember if that is correct) files, and then stuff will work, or something.

I am not seeing an “A to Z” guide anywhere, like one might find in a textbook. Am I missing a big red button that says, “Start Here?” It would be like a Wiki, or a book (I’ll gladly buy it), which shows an overview of how everything works. Then the first steps, in a bunch of ways (depending on the hardware and OS) of the installation of the firmware and suite. Then, examples of uses with the Suite (internal). Finally, how to get things to work with external stuff, like Frigate and Ollama. But, all in one book, Wiki, etc.

This is certainly my fault. I get that many people are able to figure things out this way. I am just curious if there is a more traditional approach. I love the idea of this Hailo Project, by the way.