A Comprehensive Guide to Building a License Plate Recognition (LPR) Systems

LPR Systems: Background

A license plate recognition (LPR) system involves three essential stages, each critical for delivering accurate and reliable results. This guide focuses on the detection and recognition pipeline using YOLOv8 models, optimized for real-time applications.

License Plate Detection

The first step in an LPR system is detecting the presence and location of license plates in an image or video. The detection model outputs bounding boxes around license plates, along with confidence scores, indicating the likelihood of the detection being correct.

License Plate Cropping

After detecting license plates, the system isolates and prepares these regions for character recognition. The bounding boxes provided by the detection model are used to extract the plate regions from the original image. Plates are cropped precisely to focus only on the relevant area, eliminating distractions from the background.

License Plate Reading Using OCR

The cropped license plate images are passed to an OCR model, which extracts the alphanumeric characters present on the plates. We will use a YOLOv8 model adapted for OCR tasks in this guide. The detection results are sorted based on their left-to-right spatial arrangement, ensuring the output matches the plate’s reading order.

Stage 1: License Plate Detection

In the first stage, we run a license plate detection model on an input image to obtain the location of license plates along with confidence scores. We will use the below image as an example:

The code below illustrates how to load a license plate detection model, run inference on an image, and obtain the bounding boxes.

import degirum as dg, degirum_tools
import os

# choose inference host address
inference_host_address = "@cloud"
# inference_host_address = "@local"

# choose zoo_url
zoo_url = "degirum/models_hailort"
# zoo_url = "../models"

# set token
token = degirum_tools.get_token()
# token = '' # leave empty for local inference

# license plate detection model
lp_det_model_name = "yolov8n_relu6_lp--640x640_quant_hailort_hailo8l_1"

# image source
image_source = "../assets/Car.jpg"

# Load license plate detection model
lp_det_model = dg.load_model(

# run the model inference
detected_license_plates = lp_det_model(image_source) 

The results should look as below:

- bbox: [598.2862295231349, 590.4866805815361, 692.2712281276363, 636.6286038680815]
  category_id: 0
  label: Vehicle registration plate
  score: 0.7370317578315735

We can visualize the detected license plates by overlaying the results onto the original image. DeGirum PySDK provides a convenient method inference_results.image_overlay where inference_results are the results returned by the model. Additionally, inference_results.image contains the original image and can be used to crop bounding boxes. We define a utility function to help visualize the results in a jupyter notebook environment.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def display_images(images, title="Images", figsize=(15, 5)):
    Display a list of images in a single row using Matplotlib.

    - images (list): List of images (NumPy arrays) to display.
    - title (str): Title for the plot.
    - figsize (tuple): Size of the figure.
    num_images = len(images)
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, num_images, figsize=figsize)
    if num_images == 1:
        axes = [axes]  # Make it iterable for a single image
    for ax, image in zip(axes, images):
        image_rgb = image[:, :, ::-1]  # Convert BGR to RGB
    fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=16)

Using the above function, we can visualize the results of the face detection model.

display_images([detected_license_plates.image_overlay], title="License Plate Detection Result")

The output looks as below:

Stage 2: License Plate Cropping

The code below uses the detected bounding boxes to crop the image that can be used as an input to a license plate recognition recognition model.

def crop_images(image, results):
    Crops regions of interest (ROIs) from an image based on inference results.

        image (numpy.ndarray): The input image as a NumPy array.
        results (list of dict): A list of inference results, each containing:
            - bbox (list of float): Bounding box in [x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max] format.
            - category_id (int): Class ID (ignored in this function).
            - label (str): Label of the detected object (ignored in this function).
            - score (float): Confidence score (ignored in this function).

        list of numpy.ndarray: A list of cropped image regions.
    cropped_images = []

    for result in results:
        bbox = result.get('bbox')
        if not bbox or len(bbox) != 4:

        # Convert bbox to integer pixel coordinates
        x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = map(int, bbox)

        # Ensure the bounding box is within image bounds
        x_min = max(0, x_min)
        y_min = max(0, y_min)
        x_max = min(image.shape[1], x_max)
        y_max = min(image.shape[0], y_max)

        # Crop the region of interest
        cropped = image[y_min:y_max, x_min:x_max]

    return cropped_images

We can now visualize the cropped license plate(s) using the code below:

if detected_license_plates.results:
    # List of cropped license plates
    cropped_license_plates = crop_images(detected_license_plates.image, detected_license_plates.results)

    # Display cropped license plates
    display_images(cropped_license_plates, title="Cropped License Plates", figsize=(3, 2))   

The resulting image looks as below:

Stage 3: License Plate Reading

The cropped license plate images can then be passed through an OCR model to read the license plate. A variety of models can be used for this purpose. In this guide, we will use a YOLOv8 model trained to recognize 10 digits and 26 letters in the English alphabet. The code below shows how to run the OCR model.

# license plate recognition model name
lp_rec_model_name = "yolov8n_relu6_lp_ocr--256x128_quant_hailort_hailo8l_1"

# loading the license plate recognition model
lp_rec_model = dg.load_model(

# running the license plate recognition model on cropped license plate images
if detected_license_plates.results:
    cropped_license_plates = crop_images(detected_license_plates.image, detected_license_plates.results)
    for index, cropped_license_plate in enumerate(cropped_license_plates):
        ocr_results = lp_rec_model.predict(cropped_license_plate)
        print('License plate ', index, 'results')

The results look as below:

License plate  0 results
- bbox: [51.80315942382812, 15.277219360351562, 62.83174365234375, 36.660669189453124]
  category_id: 5
  label: '5'
  score: 0.6693987846374512
- bbox: [64.25210595703125, 15.429034240722656, 74.55282666015624, 36.775262084960936]
  category_id: 3
  label: '3'
  score: 0.6693987846374512
- bbox: [3.9050979003906248, 15.847463256835937, 15.446136840820312, 37.02252612304687]
  category_id: 4
  label: '4'
  score: 0.6693987846374512
- bbox: [16.167773071289062, 15.288739013671874, 27.34120227050781, 37.05546789550781]
  category_id: 33
  label: X
  score: 0.6693987846374512
- bbox: [28.1813564453125, 15.265247680664062, 39.299054443359374, 37.21562841796875]
  category_id: 33
  label: X
  score: 0.6693987846374512
- bbox: [39.95886975097656, 15.41164385986328, 51.054132080078126, 36.76698803710937]
  category_id: 15
  label: F
  score: 0.6693987846374512
- bbox: [76.14064086914063, 15.345019104003907, 86.40907958984374, 36.35070825195312]
  category_id: 8
  label: '8'
  score: 0.6693987846374512

For reading license plates, we expect the final result to be string of alphanumeric characters representing the license plate read from left to right. We can define a function that rearranges the detections as below:

def rearrange_detections(detections):
    # Sort characters by leftmost x-coordinate
    detections_sorted = sorted(detections, key=lambda det: det["bbox"][0])
    # Concatenate labels to form the license plate string
    return "".join([det["label"] for det in detections_sorted])

We can use the above function to rearrange the results of the OCR model, and then replace the label in license plate detection results with the OCR label so that we can visualize the final result easily. This is illustrated in the code below:

if detected_license_plates.results:
    cropped_license_plates = crop_images(detected_license_plates.image, detected_license_plates.results)
    for index, cropped_license_plate in enumerate(cropped_license_plates):
        ocr_results = lp_rec_model.predict(cropped_license_plate)
        ocr_label = rearrange_detections(ocr_results.results)
        detected_license_plates.results[index]["label"] = ocr_label
display_images([detected_license_plates.image_overlay], title="License Plate Recognition Result")

The output looks as below:

Putting It All Together

We can combine all the code (including the utility functions) as below:

import degirum as dg, degirum_tools
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# utility function to display images
def display_images(images, title="Images", figsize=(15, 5)):
    Display a list of images in a single row using Matplotlib.

    - images (list): List of images (NumPy arrays) to display.
    - title (str): Title for the plot.
    - figsize (tuple): Size of the figure.
    num_images = len(images)
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, num_images, figsize=figsize)
    if num_images == 1:
        axes = [axes]  # Make it iterable for a single image
    for ax, image in zip(axes, images):
        image_rgb = image[:, :, ::-1]  # Convert BGR to RGB
    fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=16)

# utility function to crop images based on inference results
def crop_images(image, results):
    Crops regions of interest (ROIs) from an image based on inference results.

        image (numpy.ndarray): The input image as a NumPy array.
        results (list of dict): A list of inference results, each containing:
            - bbox (list of float): Bounding box in [x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max] format.
            - category_id (int): Class ID (ignored in this function).
            - label (str): Label of the detected object (ignored in this function).
            - score (float): Confidence score (ignored in this function).

        list of numpy.ndarray: A list of cropped image regions.
    cropped_images = []

    for result in results:
        bbox = result.get('bbox')
        if not bbox or len(bbox) != 4:

        # Convert bbox to integer pixel coordinates
        x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = map(int, bbox)

        # Ensure the bounding box is within image bounds
        x_min = max(0, x_min)
        y_min = max(0, y_min)
        x_max = min(image.shape[1], x_max)
        y_max = min(image.shape[0], y_max)

        # Crop the region of interest
        cropped = image[y_min:y_max, x_min:x_max]

    return cropped_images

# utility function to rearrange detections
def rearrange_detections(detections):
    # Sort characters by leftmost x-coordinate
    detections_sorted = sorted(detections, key=lambda det: det["bbox"][0])
    # Concatenate labels to form the license plate string
    return "".join([det["label"] for det in detections_sorted])

# choose inference host address
inference_host_address = "@cloud"
# inference_host_address = "@local"

# choose zoo_url
zoo_url = "degirum/models_hailort"
# zoo_url = "../models"

# set token
token = degirum_tools.get_token()
# token = '' # leave empty for local inference

# image source
image_source = "../assets/Car.jpg"

# model names
lp_det_model_name = "yolov8n_relu6_lp--640x640_quant_hailort_hailo8l_1"
lp_rec_model_name = "yolov8n_relu6_lp_ocr--256x128_quant_hailort_hailo8l_1"

# Load face detection and gender detection models
lp_det_model = dg.load_model(

lp_rec_model = dg.load_model(

# Run license plate detection model
detected_license_plates = lp_det_model(image_source) 

# run OCR model on cropped license plates
if detected_license_plates.results:
    cropped_license_plates = crop_images(detected_license_plates.image, detected_license_plates.results)
    for index, cropped_license_plate in enumerate(cropped_license_plates):
        ocr_results = lp_rec_model.predict(cropped_license_plate)
        ocr_label = rearrange_detections(ocr_results.results)
        detected_license_plates.results[index]["label"] = ocr_label

# Display the final result
display_images([detected_license_plates.image_overlay], title="License Plate Recognition Result")

Closing Remarks

The YOLOv8n model used in this guide for license plate detection demonstrates good accuracy and robustness under diverse lighting conditions and camera angles. However, the YOLOv8n-based OCR model is still a work in progress. This is largely due to the variability in license plate formats worldwide, including differences in fonts, sizes, aspect ratios, and line configurations. With sufficient and diverse training data, we believe this approach can evolve into a highly practical solution. If you’re interested in contributing to this effort, particularly in data collection or model development, we’d love to hear from you.

For OCR, alternative models like PaddleOCR offer higher accuracy and greater robustness. These models excel at recognizing text across a wide range of scenarios but currently face challenges in being compiled for edge AI accelerators. We have successfully deployed PaddleOCR models using OpenVINO on Intel CPUs, GPUs, and NPUs, but further work is needed to make them compatible with additional hardware platforms.

Another option is the pre-trained LPRNet model for Hailo devices, which is pre-compiled for edge inference. While LPRNet performs well for numerical recognition, its scope is limited to recognizing only numeric license plates, restricting its applicability in regions with alphanumeric or multi-line plates.

Each approach has its strengths and limitations, and we continue to explore ways to enhance performance and compatibility. We welcome collaborations to expand these efforts and bring practical, high-performing solutions to real-world applications.

1 Like

Thank you for the amazing guide @shashi ! It worked for me, however, I would like to ask how can I implement this with video input specifically an ip camera on a rpi ai kit?

So far, i’ve tried this code (PySDKExamples/examples/multimodel/license_plate_recognition_pipelined_video_stream.ipynb at main · DeGirum/PySDKExamples · GitHub) using “yolov8n_relu6_lp–640x640_quant_hailort_hailo8l_1” and “yolov8n_relu6_lp_ocr–256x128_quant_hailort_hailo8l_1”. However, it results in “r = result2.results[0]
IndexError: list index out of range”

Glad to know that you found the guide useful. I will soon add a section to the guide on how to run this on a video input. In the meantime, you can check this guide (with similar pipeline) on how to run on video input: A Comprehensive Guide to Building a Face Recognition System

Also, thank you for bringing to our notice the issue with our pipeline example. We will investigate and let you know.

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We are able to replicate your error. The OCR model for Hailo is not compatible with the code example as output format is different. As mentioned in my previous message, we will provide instructions to run the above pipeline on a video rather than an image.

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Please see below code to adapt the ALPR guide to video streams.

video_source = '<video_source>' # can be webcam index, path to video file, RTSP URL
# run OCR model on cropped license plates
with degirum_tools.Display("AI Camera") as output_display:
    for detected_license_plates in degirum_tools.predict_stream(lp_det_model, video_source):
        if detected_license_plates.results:
            cropped_license_plates = crop_images(detected_license_plates.image, detected_license_plates.results)
            for index, cropped_license_plate in enumerate(cropped_license_plates):
                ocr_results = lp_rec_model.predict(cropped_license_plate)
                ocr_label = rearrange_detections(ocr_results.results)
                detected_license_plates.results[index]["label"] = ocr_label

1 Like

Thank you @shashi, I managed to get it working on my raspberry pi 5 but it can only run on 15 fps or less. Is this a limitation of the hardware? Are there any ways to optimize it?

I am utilizing local inference.

Are you using Hailo8 or Hailo8L? Also, how many license plates are there in 1 frame? In any case, performance on raspberry pi is generally lower as there is only 1 lane of PCIe and since the application changes the model frequently, there is some performance loss. We will share our internal benchmark on this one soon.

There is only 1 license plate and I am using hailo 8l


I have managed to start the program with static pictures, but had no success with the Raspberry PI cameras as I can’t figure out the right video_source for them, could you pls show me the direction to feed the predict_stream function directly from the PI camera?

Also I could check back with performance testes we own a Hailo8 and not the Hailo8L with raspberry pi 5

Hi @gimp
Here is a thread that discusses how to deal with raspberry pi cameras: Processing live video stream from opencv on raspberry pi 5 - General - Hailo Community

Were you able to compile PaddleOCR? I have been looking into this, and in my compilation of this, in the last step of using the DFC, it performed noise analysis, which yielded ~-3dB, which I assume is pretty bad since it’s in the negatives. It says higher is better, so just wondering if you were able to compile it successfully, and if so how?

So far we did not have success with compiling PaddleOCR. The compiler runs for a long time and eventually is timing out unable to find a solution.

I was able to compile it, but took overnight on google colab. Was wondering what .alls and nms config you used if you did.