I want to accelerate pose detection using YOLO: I’m looking for the equivalent of yolov8s_pose.hef, but with YOLO 11 or 12—so something like yolov11s_pose.hef.
Could you point me in the right direction? Based on the scripts provided on GitHub by Hailo, would it be enough to simply replace the YOLO model? That is, are the inputs and outputs of YOLO still the same across versions?
If anyone is available to suggest the necessary steps, I would really appreciate it. Alternatively, is there a repository where all YOLO 11 models are already converted into Hailo format?
"I attempted to convert my custom model using hailomz compile, but the conversion does not seem to work properly. It looks like my model is not supported. Here is the command I ran and the resulting error:
It seems like yolo11s-pose is not recognized as a valid model. I have checked that my ONNX file exists and is correctly referenced in the YAML configuration.
Has anyone encountered this issue before? Could it be that the model is not supported, or am I missing something in the configuration? Any suggestions would be appreciated!"
We integrated yolo11 models to our PySDK. They are available in our model zoo. You can see an example usage at: hailo_examples/examples/yolov8.ipynb at main · DeGirum/hailo_examples. You can just change the model name to yolo11n_pose--640x640_quant_hailort_multidevice_1 in the script and it should work. Please let me know if you need any further help.