Unable to install Hailo software on Raspberry Pi 5

Hi, I am unable to install Hailo software on my Raspberry Pi with AI Kit. Following instructions found here

but I am getting the following errors

I am running the latest Raspberry Pi OS.

Hi @pawel,

Welcome to the Hailo Community!

Have you tried running the following commands before installing the hailo-all package? (as shown in the guide)

sudo apt update
sudo apt full-upgrade
sudo apt --fix-broken install

If the error persists, can you try installing the required dependencies manually?

Hi @pierrem ,

Yes, I did all sudo magic before asking the community :slight_smile: It didn’t help.

However, I started over with the brand new Rasberry OS flashed from Raspberry Pi imager and it helped. I still do not understand why installing Helio software worked on brand new OS now. The only difference with this setup and the one on which I coulnd’t install Helio was that I have installed updates to Raspbian OS by clicking on Install Updates on my RPi taskbar. Honestly, I did not pay attention to what I was installing, but I am affraid that if I do it on my new OS with Helio software installed it will stop working.

One more … @pierrem, what is the quickest way of installing all reuqired dependencies manually?

Hi @pawel,
Excellent, glad that it worked.
The issue could have been due to some broken packages or some dependency that changed during the update. As per user guide, it is always recommended to upgrade the OS release before installing the hailo-all package.
With “manual installation” of the dependencies, I mean if it was possible to install the missing packages shown in the log using apt (i.e. x11-utils, python3-virtualenv, …). No need to do that at this point.

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