I have seen the vehicle model from ONNX in YOLOv5m, but in this example, it’s for multiple LPRNet sources and is set for “YOLOv5s” (a lighter model) in NV12 format. Is there any version in RGB that performs scaling on the chip to 1920x1080 for YOLOv5s, already in ONNX format or precompiled in HEF?
Hey @ricardo.aldunate ,
Not at the moment, but we’re working on updating the Raspberry Pi examples to include this functionality. The update will:
- Support 1920x1080 and 1280x720 resolutions
- Include an updated model
- Be part of the main examples repository
I don’t have a specific timeline yet, but I’ll update you when we have an ETA.
Best Regards,