Hailo15 Imaging: IMX678 night/day ambient light issues without IR filter


In our machines we usually have a removable IR filter: during the day we insert it, at night we remove it. Therefore, we need to be able to operate the sensor even without the IR filter.

By removing the IR filter we noticed that the colors are lost during the night, and the image is practically always saturated during the day. Is it not possible to use the IMX678 with your ISP-chain, without mounting an IR filter? How can we handle captures at night? (Normally we are forced to use an IR illuminator, at night, we cannot use white light…)



The reference calibration provided with the hailo release was optimized to the reference imx678 leopard module and another camera module may require differnt calibration.
For this use case we can suggest one of the following.

  1. Create a ‘night time’ caliration [3aconfig.json & calibration.xml] of the ISP with different settings optimized for the night time conditions, and switch to this calibration during the night conditions.
  2. We provide ‘grayscale’ mode that can be activated during night time via h15 frontend - vision_config.json
