Getting started with running pretrained models on Hailo 8

Welcome to the Hailo Community!

The suite contains Tappas our example applications. Make sure you also install the PCIe driver outside of the docker. First check that you can see the Hailo-8 in the system. See the following post:

How can I connect a Hailo-8/8l to my pc or laptop

Then you can have a look at the Hailo Application Code Examples.

Hailo Application Code Examples

You can test run model using the HailoRT CLI tool. That will not give you pretty pictures but you can quickly run any model with some random data and make basic measurements (FPS, power, bandwidth).

hailortcli run model.hef

You can get more options by using --help

The suite also contains Jupyter based tutorials on how to start converting your own models and run basic inference.

hailo tutorial