Hello, I am working on compiling a neural network to run on my Raspberry pi AI kit. Currently I believe I have done all of the set up for creating the environment correctly, but I keep running into the error of "HEF file length does not match (status = 26) … " , from reading other posts I have found out the next step to either wait for the RPI apt package to receive an update or use a previous version of the DFC. It seems that a model compiled on 3.27 should work on the Raspberry Pi. The only place I have seen that I could access this version of the DFC is through an older version of the software suite, which as of now I don’t feel like going through the process of setting up unless it is the only option.
TLDR; is there somewhere I can download version 3.27 of the DFC. From the poking around I did, I could not find the package by itself.
Thanks for the help - Will : )